Beginning 1---(Ages 5-18) Beginning 1 has no prerequisites and is geared towards athletes with little to no previous tumbling experience. Athletes in Beginning 1 class will learn:
Forward Rolls and Backward Rolls
Beginning 2---Requirements: (Ages 5-18) Beginning 2 athletes must have mastered the skills taught in Beginning 1 class and will Learn:
Handstand holds
Handstand forward rolls
Handstand bridges
Back limber and front limber
Bridge kickovers
Round offs
Beginning 3---Requirements: (Ages 5-18) Beginning 3 athletes must have mastered the skills taught in Beginning 2 class and will Learn:
Back Walkovers
Front walkovers
Back extension rolls
Round off rebounds to flat back on mats
Back handsprings over octagon
Intermediate 1---Requirements: (Ages 6-18) To participate in the Intermediate 1 class, athletes must have mastered the skills taught in Beginning 3 class, and will learn:
Round off back handsprings
Standing back handsprings
Intermediate 2---Requirements: (Ages 6-18) To participate in the Intermediate 1 class, athletes must have mastered the skills taught in Intermediate 2 class, and will learn:
multiple back handsprings
Front walkover round off back handsprings
Back walkover back handsprings
Fly springs
Intermediate 3---(Ages 6-18) To participate in the Intermediate 3 class, athletes must have mastered all the skills taught in the Intermediate 2 class, and will learn:
round off back handspring tucks
standing tucks
​Punch fronts
Advanced---(Ages 6-18) To participate in the advanced class athletes must have mastered all the skills being taught in all previous classes, and will learn:
Double fulls
After you pick your level, go to https://www.justtumble.com/schedule-and-book find a class that fits your schedule
Our coaches will watch your athlete in class to make sure the class is right for them